Where everyone is part
of the ham fam!
About Us
How I Got Started

I first got into hamsters in 2000 at the age of 12. I owned several Campbells as pets before venturing into Syrians. I was an active member of many online forums and message boards and was always doing research. I had all the (what I thought was) "cool" cages, with the tubes and the add ons and all the latest and greatest accessories. My how things have changed! Education and proper husbandry have come a long way!
About a year into keeping hamsters, I attended my first hamster show hosted by the California Hamster Association and met my hamster breeder idol, Linda Price, of AAA Hamsters. I met so many wonderful people and learned so much. I quickly formed relationships with many of the club members and then myself, became a club member.
After attending several shows I becoming a member of the CHA, I regularly helped out with set up, tear down, and little things in-between. Over time I became a pet class judge and the youth director of the California Hamster Association. I was even photographed and put in a hamster magazine (see left.)
I began breeding Syrians and was just keeping Campbells as pets around 2004. Since, then I have had a few bumps and hiccups where I have had to take a pause for a year or two, but then picked up the hobby again as though I never left.
Over the course of the years, I have been owned by all of the domesticated species commonly kept as pets, but at current am back to keeping and breeding the Syrians and Campbells. Down the line, other species may be picked back up. And who knows, maybe we can form a club on this side of the country!
What You Can Expect
Here at the Hamstery, we strive to provide friendly, beautiful, and healthy hamsters, unlike the quality you will find in mill bred pet store hamsters. We actively advocate rescue and ethically bred hamsters.
Here are some of the things you can expect:
- Hamsters are bred to NHC Standards, with an excellent understanding of hamster breeding and genetics.
- Detailed notes, records, and pedigrees are kept on all hamsters.
- Hamsters are handled and socialized daily from the time they can be safely handled.
- Hamsters are fed a quality diet of Lab Block and seed mix, with fresh treats a few times a week.
- Hamsters are housed in large bins with wheels and enrichment.
- Females are bred no sooner than 4 months of age, with no more than 2 litters.
- Hamsters may be retired to family/pet homes to spend their life spoiled.
- We advocate proper care and are willing to answer any questions.